New Year, Same You

New Year, Same You

Let’s talk about expectations. When planning for and heading into a new year, we are inundated with calls to make our resolutions, transform our lives and envision a “Brand New You”. Am I the only one who feels the pressure to be someone else in 2019 (whatever that means)?! I think not…

Because here’s the deal, friends: even though it is a new year, you’re still YOU. Everything that means doesn’t suddenly go away when the calendar flips to the next number. So what do we do with those pesky little expectations and “shoulds”? Well, here is what I plan to do… if it serves you, GREAT! Because who am I to tell you what you SHOULD do with them?! ;) My heart is calling me to take a break from the construct of expectation. I am all for goal setting and vision boarding and all those magical tools that give us inspiration and something to work for… but I am not here for the disappointment when things don’t go as planned. Because nothing EVER goes exactly as planned, and if we remain deeply attached to our expectations and rigid planning, we lose out on the lessons and new experiences that life’s twists and turns offer.

Part of the beauty of these unexpected lessons is the gift of holding our futures in a bit of mystery and staying present in where we are RIGHT NOW. In reflecting on where I was at this time last year, I can tell you my life is nothing like I thought it would be. I had just come to the realization that I needed to make a major transition and had given notice at my job. I knew that the time had come for me to step into my role as my grandfather’s full time caregiver and it was also time for Soulful Nutrition to become more than an item on my vision board. What I didn’t know was what any of that looked like or what it would really take to make it all happen. But after all the twists and turns and roadblocks and serendipitous openings, here we are. Thriving in a new and unexpected community, in a home manifested by our needs, as caregivers and as a family. We are creating community and professional networks. We are learning and building our foundation in the now.

My hope for all of you is that you can envision your life beyond today without losing sight of where you are in this moment. Perhaps some of your goals are huge and life-changing. I thing that’s awesome and having goals that are terrifying and seem unattainable can be a healthy motivator. I also think it is wonderful if you simply wish for a year of peace and simple stability in where you are NOW. If you are beyond content… deeply satisfied with your world, why rock the boat?! But if you don’t know what those feelings even mean, perhaps it is a good time to figure out what it would take to get you there.

Wishing you and yours a peaceful, healthy and happy 2019!

5 Holistic Holiday Tips

5 Holistic Holiday Tips

{RECIPE} Pumpkin Oat Muffins

{RECIPE} Pumpkin Oat Muffins